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Congratulations to Jared Cook and Lisa Cove for securing the Democratic ballot line for the March 21st Village Election.

Vote Count: 

  • Lisa Cove: 58

  • Jared Cook: 55

  • Dave Marshall: 49

  • Write-in: 1


Pursuant to Title Two of Article Six of the Election Law, the method of nomination of candidates in and for the Village of Pittsford by the Democratic Party shall be by caucus meeting. As such, a Democratic Caucus will be held:

January 24, 2023 from 6-7:30pm
Spiegel Community Center
35 Lincoln Ave. Pittsford, NY 14534
Room 107

You must be a registered Democrat residing in the Village of Pittsford to participate in the caucus.

Persons seeking the nomination for Village of Pittsford Trustee (2) must arrive no later than 5:50pm and bring with them one eligible Village Democrat to nominate them for office AND a second eligible Village Democrat to second their nomination.

Promptly at 6pm, the appointed Village Caucus Chair, Stacey Philbrick Yadav, will open the caucus and ask for nominations for each office. Once nominated and seconded, the candidate’s name will be written on a large dry erase board for all to see. When nominations for both offices are closed, voting will begin.

Democratic voters will be certified as eligible and given a ballot. They will write the name of their choice for Trustee (2) on the ballot and deposit it in the ballot box. Voting ends at 7:30pm. The last person in line at 7:30pm will be allowed to cast their ballot. Ballots will be counted on site as soon as the final ballot is cast. Candidates and their representatives may watch the count.

Minutes of the Village Caucus will be prepared and submitted by Caucus Secretary, Emily Smallwood Diaz.

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